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Fairfield was established in the mid-1800s as a result of 5 brothers named Carson finding a reliable water source. Thus a town was born. More about this can be found elsewhere in Fairfield’s story.

Nature dictates that where people live, people also pass away. Our cemetery was started shortly after the town was established from necessity due in part to two of the five Carson brothers being killed by Indians as a result of livestock theft.

The cemetery served as a final resting place for many of Fairfield’s early residents including members of the Town’s founding families, and continues to do so. The cemetery remains rustic by design so that the feel of pioneer heritage can be perpetuated. However, several Eagle Scout projects have led to some improvements such as signage, fencing, mapping, a flag pole, and a monument to war veterans. For years all graves were dug by hand. Only changing after the passing of Norman Erickson.

For many years the only requirement to be buried in Fairfield’s Cemetery was that one be dead, with no cost associated. Therefore, bodies were being brought here in numbers sufficient to fill up all the available space. In an effort to stem this problem a man by the name of Norman Erickson took it upon himself the regulate burials. Due to no official government backing and no title to the land, this effort failed. In reaction, a man by the name of Roland Hansen established, through the Utah County Government, the “Fairfield Special Service District”. This entity conducted business until the Town of Fairfield was incorporated in 2004.

Today the cemetery is maintained by the Town of Fairfield under the direction of a cemetery board. Many of the Town’s current residents have family members buried in the cemetery and the cemetery remains an important part of the town’s history and heritage.


All graves are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

All fees are detailed in the town fee schedule and this document."

For more information, please email [email protected].


Purchase a grave Instruction

  1. Pick a grave site from the Cemetery map (Available graves are in green)
  2. Go to Fairfield Applications Cemetery
  3. Fill out Application
  4. Pay fees
  5. If the grave is approved you will get an email of approval and a certificate of burial will be mailed to you.
  6. If the grave is not approved the sexton will reach out to you for a different plot number.